YouTube Yoga Class: Three Variations of Bridge Pose

We're back with a 60-minute heart opening yoga flow. This intermediate-level class builds to setu bandha sarvangasana, or bridge pose. We'll play with three variations for three levels of opening.

Notes on our peak pose: Bridge pose requires opening in the shoulders, the chest and the entire front of the body. We explore opening from the quads, through the hips, belly, upper chest and even the front of the neck.

Your bridge pose foundation will set you up for success. Take the time to set up a stable base before pressing up into the heart opener. When you're ready to lift, imagine hip points reaching to the sky, rather than the navel. This helps protect the low back by maintaining length in the lower spine. It can help to slightly engage the core, or imagine your tailbone reaching towards the back of your knees.

The heart moves not skyward, but towards your chin, towards the back of you space. The back of your neck should remain neutral as you keep your gaze straight up towards the sky.

As with any heart opening class, you may notice some discomfort or resistance in both body and mind. As always, move at your own pace and never force yourself into a pose that feels uncomfortable. Yoga is a slowly unfolding process of getting to know your body, and it should feel safe!

If you enjoy music with your yoga class, we suggest a playlist below. Or... follow us on Spotify and choose any playlist you'd like!

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Step 1: Hit Play on the Video Below

Step 2: Hit Play on this Spotify Playlist

Begin the music just as you're ready to take a seat on your mat. Just let our little front porch chatter play through, no worries. Keep in mind that the only way to avoid ads is with a premium Spotify account, sorry!

Step 3: Enjoy!

Home practice is a great opportunity to do your own thing. Enjoy the flow as we suggest, linger in any one pose longer, or make up your own moves. There's never any such thing as falling behind in a yoga class.

It's our hope that these YouTube classes help you get to know yourself better in body and mind and inspire intuitive movement in any way that feels good.

Did you benefit from this content? Assist us in our efforts with a PayPal or Venmo donation of $2-20, or any amount you choose. We’re grateful for your support! xoxo


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