Advancing Our Gratitude Practice
It’s easy to be grateful for the ‘good’ stuff. The more advanced practice is to note what happens when we bring gratitude to that which we label as ‘not good.’ Might this, too, be a teaching, a lesson, a gift? Might this, too, be the call of the divine?
Yoga Nidra and Your True Nature
I’m at last home in San Juanico after a wonderful month in El Pescadero, sharing meditation, yoga of all varieties, and restorative sound baths with guests at Modern Elder Academy. MEA calls themselves a ‘mid-life wisdom school’ and well, I guess I’m finally old enough to share some tools for uncovering wisdom. ;-) While some of us might get wiser with age, the reality is…
4 Meditations From Our Spring Retreat
Learn more about the four foundations of mindfulness, and listen to four meditations from our spring retreat.
A Brief Morning Practice for More Restful Nights
What we do during the day, or even when we first wake up is just as likely to impact our sleep as what we do in the hour before bedtime. We take a look at a practical, 5-step morning routine for more restful nights.
3 Yoga Classes for Reversing Work From Home Stiffness
If you're anything like me, staying at home has made you more sedentary than you're used to, even if you have been doing daily yoga classes. With less moving around comes stay at home stiffness and crankiness in the body. Consistent movement is key to preventing pain in the body.
YouTube Yoga Class: Exploring Movement and Stillness
This 50-minute contemplative yoga class explores the balance between movement and stillness. We're labeling this as an advanced class because it includes arm balances and transitions from crow pose to headstand. Our peak pose is a half-lotus variation of tripod headstand.
YouTube Yoga Class: Meditation & Movement on Isvarapranidhana
We might equate the practice of isvarapranidhana with 'let go and let god.' In truth, the layers of meaning here have limitless depth. We explore isvarapranidhana in body, speech and mind with the following 60 minute yoga flow.
YouTube Yoga Class: Three Variations of Bridge Pose
We're back with a 60-minute heart-opening yoga flow. This intermediate-level class builds to setu bandha sarvangasana, or bridge pose. We'll play with three variations for three levels of opening.
Maitri Meditation in Response to Covid-19
In this loving kindness, or maitri meditation, we send healing positive vibes to healthcare workers, those who are sick, and all those affected by Covid-19.
YouTube Yoga Class: Classic Rock Yoga Flow
Join us for an athletic 60-minute online yoga class for intermediate to advanced practitioners. This classic rock yoga flow is all about the music!