yoga, practice, meditation Travis G yoga, practice, meditation Travis G

Yoga Nidra and Your True Nature

I’m at last home in San Juanico after a wonderful month in El Pescadero, sharing meditation, yoga of all varieties, and restorative sound baths with guests at Modern Elder Academy. MEA calls themselves a ‘mid-life wisdom school’ and well, I guess I’m finally old enough to share some tools for uncovering wisdom. ;-) While some of us might get wiser with age, the reality is…

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meditation meditation

Buddhist Antidotes to Laziness, So You Can Surf More and Work Less

The Tibetan Buddhist tradition organizes laziness into three types. The first is procrastination, the second is the laziness that comes with being too busy, and the third is the laziness of low-self esteem, or lack of faith. Each one of us has all that we need to live the life we dream of. If you're reading this blog, that dream life likely includes the freedom to travel and surf the world, and the spaciousness to meditate daily. So why aren't you?

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meditation, surf meditation, surf

Surf Daily. Meditate Daily.

I’m still practicing both surfing, and meditation. I’ve progressed from having no idea what I’m doing to having a little bit of an idea. And having just a bit of an idea is tough. What the mind logically knows, the body cannot yet perform.

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