yoga yoga

Design Your Own Home Yoga Practice

If you’d like to practice yoga at home, but you’re unsure where to begin, start here! May this post be of benefit by giving you a starting point from which to design your own home yoga practice.

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meditation meditation

Buddhist Antidotes to Laziness, So You Can Surf More and Work Less

The Tibetan Buddhist tradition organizes laziness into three types. The first is procrastination, the second is the laziness that comes with being too busy, and the third is the laziness of low-self esteem, or lack of faith. Each one of us has all that we need to live the life we dream of. If you're reading this blog, that dream life likely includes the freedom to travel and surf the world, and the spaciousness to meditate daily. So why aren't you?

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travel travel

Sustainable Travel: Practicing Ahimsa on the Road

Sustainable travel and moving through the world doing the least harm possible is important to us. Yoga's foundational practice of ethics, as outlined by the yamas and niyamas, puts "do no harm," or ahimsa, at the top of the list. Hence, at Baja Surf Yoga we put effort into mindfully choosing the locations for each of our Southern Baja adventures. By doing so, we stay true to our yoga first philosophy.

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yoga, travel yoga, travel

Yes, You Can Suck at Yoga and Still Enjoy a Retreat

Lots of people like the idea of traveling and staying fit and healthy while doing so. Lots of people like the idea of a group vacation to a gorgeous destination where activities and meals are provided. Lots of people ask us if they can come on a retreat, even if they're "not that good at yoga."Short answer? YES. Long answer? Keep reading...

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travel travel

Escaping Samsara Through Travel

Samsara is a foundational concept found throughout eastern spiritual philosophy that describes the inherent suffering in the cycle of life. To break free from the cycle, at some point we have to just get up and go. Buddha teaches us there’s a path to freedom, an end to the suffering, a way out. Travel can teach us that this movement is possible, and as we change our scenery, we can begin to change our minds.

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travel travel

How Travel Teaches Letting Go, and Why It Matters

I recently returned from a trip to Spain where I participated in a Mindfulness Yoga retreat, toured a bit around Valencia, and then took off into the Pyrenees for a few days of hiking through Posets-Maladeta Natural Park. It was close to a three week adventure, and although part of me yearned for those three weeks to never end, the lessons are in the ending.

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travel travel

Travel Alone? Yes You Can! Four Benefits to Going Solo

Of course it can be fun to have a partner in travel if you've got a like minded buddy who enjoys the same things you do, but there are also benefits to solo travel that you might miss out on if you're always waiting for a friend to join you before you book a trip. In fact, you might miss out on the trip all together if you're waiting on that friend.

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surf surf

What to Expect When Learning to Surf

Sure, it's weird learning how to surf as an adult, mostly thanks to a lifetime of developing mental hang-ups that a kid looking wide-eyed at the ocean just doesn't have. My hope is that this little guide will give you an idea of what you can expect when learning how to surf so you're one step closer to saying, yes! I can do this. 

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